
Monday, 2 June 2014

The Liverpudlian Hells Angels

In Le Berroux we'd discovered a Salon de The that did good coffee.  It was run by 2 ladies & included a little store selling all things Provence...soaps, perfumes, cushions etc.  As we both have shopping addictions we'd love to go for a coffee & have a wander through their store to see what goodies we could find.  Sounds lovely but we'd just start looking & before you knew it one of them would be behind you being "helpful" & "suggesting" what to buy.  In my mind I called them Roid 1 & Roid 2 as it felt like they were right up my bum whichever way I turned i.e. Haemorrhoid.  They were truly lovely, however we probably would have bought more if they'd just let us be.  Didn't deter us though as we kept going back.

On our last full day in La Roque Alric we decided to walk to Le Berroux for our last coffee at the Roids.  It was a beautiful day & we were excited to be going back to our quiet, peaceful "local" to sit outside in the fresh air.

We arrived just as they were opening up & got our favourite table under the tree.  Ah bliss.

But wait, what's this?  I heard movement to the side of me & turned around to see 3 leather clad guys walking our way.  Poop...bikers.  

Great we thought, there goes our lovely peaceful coffee.  We waited for them to sit down & be, well, boisterous, however you could have knocked us over with a feather when they ordered...wait for it...their cup of tea, being quite clear that it had to be Earl Grey. Bless.

Couldn't have been more wrong about our biker dudes as they were the loveliest guys & the perfect morning tea buddies.

Geoff was ecstatic when he got his Earl Grey & cold milk.



Turns out Terry, Geoff & Pete take a 10 day bike trip each year picking a different route & have been to some amazing places, Bosnia, Croatia, Spain just to name a few.

Aggie & I got the giggles as they were saying how the group used to be larger which made it harder to choose accommodation, pick restaurants to eat in etc as everyone had slightly different tastes / expectations which caused problems.  Needless to say they were on fire on this trip & loving themselves sick as everything was running like clockwork.  Turns out guys aren't that much different to girls at all...who knew?

It's always great meeting kindred spirits who get out there, enjoy life & be in the moment.

My favourite comment of the day came from Pete who had sat back & not said much (probably hard to get a word in with Terry & Geoff!).  The conversation was about a previous trip they'd taken when the group was larger & they'd ended up on a high peak in some snow.  Some of the riders chose not to get off their bikes, leave their helmets on & also their bikes running.  Pete said he just didn't get it as he loves to experience everything...see, hear & feel.  "I do everything...I even do snow angels" he says pointing his arms up to the sky.  OMG love these guys!!!

 Well it was time for our tough inked up guys to hit the road (Geoff had covered himself in ink from a pen that he'd gone to get to write down our blog details - he truly had it everywhere).  

Guys if the piece of paper with our deets made it back to Liverpool & you're reading this, thanks again for such an enjoyable cuppa in Le Berroux.

Au revoir Snow Angels.  Safe travels. x



  1. Hello ladies! My dad is Terry! I'm back in Liverpool visiting for the weekend and he showed me your blog! How brilliant, great pics and very funny! Keep blogging and safe travels :) Charlotte xx

  2. Hi Charlotte! So great to get your message. The Liverpudlian Snow Angels really made our day and I'm very impressed the crumpled up piece of paper made it all the way back to Liverpool ("inking up" was well worth it Monsieur Geoff...nicely done). x
