When planning our trip this year we'd tried to book in for a dinner cooked in a Parisienne home by 2 lovely chefs, but unfortunately it wasn't to be. They were booked out & very busy with an upcoming cookbook they were having published. However they very kindly took the time to respond to my email giving some great restaurant recommendations.
Cafe Constant in the 7th was one of the restaurants they'd suggested & we thought it would be the perfect place to meet Mademoiselle "J" (her real initial) for lunch.
In our "other" life Aggie & I are PAs & we work with the lovely J...our Frenchie buddy. She'd just arrived in France for 5 weeks to see her family & friends & attend her brother's wedding & we thought it would be a great chance to catch up. Any excuse for a chat & some bubbles really.
Walking to Cafe Constant the discussion was along the lines of "Jeez I hope J likes food...do you reckon she will?". "Dunno, hope so". We looked at each other & had that slight moment of panic when we realised that we didn't really know J that well at all outside of work & hopefully we would have things to talk about over lunch.
My oh my no problem whatsoever. J loves food, well she is French after all, & when we voiced our concerns above she just said "Pffft...I'm here for 5 weeks & planned to put on 1 kilo a week. I think that may change to a kilo a day.". And just like that we bonded. It was beautiful.
Over lunch we were talking about our other Frenchie buddy at work...Monsieur M. He loves a good time & anything food / drink related he's in. His wife refers to him as a Frogan i.e. a French bogan which is a fair call. We were saying how envious he'd be if he could see us now. Hmmm why don't we take a snap & send it to him? Fabulous idea.
Now it was at this point in time Aggie said yeah let's give him the finger & say suck on this or kiss that Monsieur M (this last detail is a little sketchy).
When the time came to say "frommage" Aggie refused to give him the bird, hence the result below.
Take 2
I tried desperately to coax her into it & I really thought I had her over the line until the waitress gave me my camera back. What the?
Aggie what's the deal? I can't possibly send this to Monsieur M. J & I are going gangbusters & you're holding your hand like you don't trust it to behave on its own. What was it going to do? Go the whole fist or something? Is it broken? I just didn't understand.
Aggie's response "Just tell Monsier M I'm being a lady".
Both pics were sent to Monsieur M with Aggie's message above. I'm sure he had a good chuckle, or maybe it was Mail Marshall having the last laugh as I still haven't heard from Monsieur M.
The time flew by so quickly & before we knew it it was time for J to catch the train back to Normandy. Such a fabulous day, the food was delicious, the company great & it was lovely to get to know J outside of work...in Paris if you please. Turns out the 3 of us have quite a lot in common...not just a love of food.
Thanks again for taking the time to catch up with us J & I hope your mum wasn't too upset you didn't make it home in time to go dress shopping. Oops.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday, travel safely & see you in July for lunch. Can't guarantee it will come close to Cafe Constant, but rest assured there won't be any "finger" shots taken. No need really as I'd say Monsier M will be joining us. x
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