When travelling I never leave home without my own personal chef. It's just how I roll these days.
Aggie loves to cook and I love to eat (actually we both love to eat) so it's a travelling match made in heaven.
The morning ritual is Aggie in the kitchen slaving away over a hot stove (or oven as the case is at the moment - we have no stove top - long story) while I set up the "dining area".
This morning's location - The Deck.
I suspect Aggie gets the raw end of the deal but trust me the above doesn't just happen. Trading in my uggies for thongs, I trotted out to the backyard in my PJs to pick some fresh flowers (the choices were endless as our backyard is bigger than Texas), find an appropriate sized vase (none available so a glass it was) and drape our blankies stylishly over our chairs, well I felt I'd done a half day's work already. Yep I was ready for food.
Menu de jour - bacon, egg, and cherry tomatoes on a bed of baguette slathered in butter.
I suspect Aggie gets the raw end of the deal but trust me the above doesn't just happen. Trading in my uggies for thongs, I trotted out to the backyard in my PJs to pick some fresh flowers (the choices were endless as our backyard is bigger than Texas), find an appropriate sized vase (none available so a glass it was) and drape our blankies stylishly over our chairs, well I felt I'd done a half day's work already. Yep I was ready for food.
Menu de jour - bacon, egg, and cherry tomatoes on a bed of baguette slathered in butter.

The creaminess of the egg together with the burst of flavour as I bit into my first cherry tomato made my taste buds tingle with delight. Oh chef, you've done it again.
After such a full-on morning it was time for an Earl Gray and a few more chapters.
Life really doesn't get much better than this. x